January 31, 2025
Board members in attendance: Mr. Doug Duncan, Mr. Kirk Hamilton, Mr. David Kelley,
Mr. Craig Anderson & Mr. Mike Needler
Also in attendance: Office Manager, Mrs. Tina Gerhardt
In person, Slip Owners: D20, E29, H12 & I01. On the phone: E02 & G07
President Duncan called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M and announced that all five of the Board members are in attendance. Mr. Needler confirmed that proper notice had been made two (2) days prior to the meeting.
The Board had previously reviewed the First Draft of the December 19th, 2024, minutes. Mr. Anderson made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Mr. Needler seconded the motion, and all Board members voted to approve the motion.
Treasurer Anderson reviewed the December financial report prepared by Davis and previously sent to the board members. Cash position was reported at $2,312,037 with a loss of $134,860 vs a budget loss of $6803. Mr. Anderson outlined a variance of actual to budget of number of accounts that affected the 2024 financial loss.
Mr. Anderson recommended further review of credit card charges including Merchant Deposit fees, interest income on both operating and reserve funds, and labor expense vs fuel sales. Mr. Anderson also reviewed a recent report send to slip owners of their annual payments to the marina.
Mr. Anderson moved, seconded by Mr. Hamilton to approve the financial report.
Mr. Anderson reported that the new administrative firm, John Davis, recommended changing banks to Cogent Bank to improve ACH clearing and John Davis relationship with the bank. Mr. Anderson stated changing of administrative firms and not Valley National service was strictly the reason for the bank change.
Based on the recommendation made by our CPA firm, John Davis, Mr. Needler made the following motion seconded by Mr. Hamilton; “The Board of GHMCA instructs the treasurer to move both operating and reserve funds from Valley National bank to Cogent bank. In addition the Board of GHMCA instructed the treasurer to move reserve funds from Everbank FICA TIAA to Cogent ank. Funds at Horizon bank are to remain in place but the investment and interest earned is to be reviewed.” All voted in favor of the motion.
Mr. Kelley, Director Marina Appearance reported on recent landscaping projects in the Marina. The property line is looking good. They have put some rock in certain areas and continue to add more landscaping. Lighting along the walkway has been checked and all lights are working now. Carpets were recently cleaned, plants added to the patio area. Dockmaster Bynum suggested that the golf cart is nearing the end of its useful life. Mr. Kelley praised the staff for their excellent handling and care for all landscape.
Mr. Needler, Secretary, reported that the CTA required filing of Beneficial Ownership information has not yet been filed due to a new second ruling by a federal court in January, 2025, halting the implementation. Our legal counsel is monitoring the process. Additionally, Lee County is one of the listed counties given an extension to July 31, 2025, due to recent hurricane damages.
The First Notice of Annual meeting will be mailed tomorrow February 1, 2025, along with the Intent to Run Notice. The Second Notice (21-day) will be mailed on March 13, 2025, along with the Proxy, ballots if needed and instructions.
Mr. Hamilton reported on the clearing of a mold issue in the shower and noted that the problem has been corrected.
A question regarding “fuel in the water” was answered by Dockmaster Bynum who reported that the source of the leak was a private vessel and the problem was corrected.
President Duncan discussed the recent “Community Hero Event”. The Event was very well attended and successful. The Board discussed a need for a clear policy for such events in the future. Mr. Hamilton will research the issue and bring a recommendation to the Board at a future meeting.
The Board discussed the need to add signage in the small cul-de-sac at the north end of the Marina to permit “15 Minute Unloading Zone”. All agreed with the proposal and Austin will install a new sign.
The Board discussed the need to clarify the Hurricane Fund and its use. The Treasurer will report back to the Board with a recommendation.
The Board discussed the need to add Solar powered lighted channel markers from the channel entrance into the main channel. Dockmaster Bynum will review and determine how many new lights to add to the channel.
Mr. Duncan reported that Mr. Anderson has resigned from the Board effective at the end of this meeting. After careful consideration of candidates to fill the vacancy, Mr. Duncan proposed to the Board Mr. Larry Palmer to fill the unexpired vacancy of Mr. Anderson and elect Mr. Palmer to Treasurer: Mr. Kelley seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Palmer was in attendance and joined the Board at that time.
Next Gulf Harbour Marina Board meeting date will be at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday February 20, 2025.
Mr. Duncan made a motion for adjournment and Mr. Anderson seconded the motion and all board members present voted to approve the motion. Mr. Duncan announced the adjournment of the meeting.